What’s Happening at Rapp Rocks This Month

Boulder Babes Meetup


Boulder Babes is a community for all women/femme identifying in climbing. They travel all over Virginia and offer a space for others to meet up and enjoy climbing together. Boulder Babe meetups happen at indoor gyms as well as outdoor crags. Rapp Rocks’ Boulder Babes Meetup will take place on April 30th from 6-8pm. Receive 50% off your day pass during the meetup and no additional purchases necessary. You can follow Boulder Babes on instagram for more updates on their other meetups!

Modified Hours


We will have a group of our staff attending The Climbing Wall Association Summit Conference. During this week we will have limited staff and limited hours. If you have any questions or concerns you can email us at info@rapprocksclimbing.com

Mothers Day


This Mothers Day get out with your friends and enjoy a fun day climbing! All moms will get 50% off our day pass.

College Climb Night


Thursday, May 16th, is our College Climb Night. Anyone with a valid college ID can come climb between 5pm and 10pm and receive 50% off their day pass. You must present the ID at the desk during purchase. Passes cannot be purchased online!